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A political science professor who understands students and encourages them to strive for greatness.

I was able to sit down and talk with my Political Science Professor, Lisa Ross. A professor that has given me inspiration and understanding through her enthusiasm. She is the most kindhearted people I have been lucky enough to meet who genuinely has a passion for her profession. She was born to immigrant parents in a small town in Ohio. She went to Brigham Young University for an undergraduate degree and then served a mission for the LDS Church in Costa Rica and Panama. She then graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in International Relations and Law in 1991. Professor Ross then moved to California when she was 30 and has been teaching college for 25 years primarily at Mt. San Antonio College, Rio Hondo College, and Citrus College. Through this interview, I have learned a lot about who she was and even about myself. I asked her a couple questions about higher education and tips for students in community college Why is higher education important? “Higher educatio...

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